Hi, I’m Dr. Bhavna and I’m here to help you find the answers you’ve been seeking when it comes to your health. Together we’ll uncover what’s holding you back from living your healthiest, most balanced life so you can thrive.

My health journey started at 9 years old when I got my first pimple and first period and progressed until I was diagnosed with PCOS, hypothyroidism and fatty liver.

I didn’t know it and my parents didn’t know it, but eating a standard American diet (SAD) day in and day out lead to insulin resistance, leaky gut and inflammation starting from a very young age and lasting into adulthood. These issues would pave the way for mental health struggles, wacky hormones, crazy acne, malabsorption and a loss of connection with my higher self.

I know how it feels to deal with depression, fatigue, acne, weight gain, brain fog, leaky gut and constantly being in survival mode. I spent most of my life thinking healing wasn’t for me and was out of reach. In fact, it wasn't out of reach, I didn’t thrive in the conventional medical model.

Thanks to functional medicine & Ayurveda I finally found answers and have mostly healed myself (I believe we’re all a continual work in progress!). Now I help women like you find balance.

I’m on a mission to empower women with the knowledge & tools to live healthier, happier, and more balanced lives through my signature program, Gut Revive.

I believe that there is always a solution. If you’re ready to transform your life, I’m here to support you every step of the way!


The not so professional version

I’m a dog mom to the amazing good boy right there! I’m married to my best friend who makes the worst dad jokes ever so I’m always annoyed trying to fight off a laugh. I was born in India and came to the US when I was four years old and my first words in English were ‘oh my god’ when we landed in NY and saw the Twin Towers, I feel like this really set the stage for my future personality. I’ve lived in four states so far, not convinced of any of them to call my forever home, so I’m all ears if you want to convince me why your state is the best. I’m a very pitta (fiery) person so equal parts hot all the time and hot headed, I’m sorry to all my loved ones when I get hangry. I can tell instantly if someone has mean girl energy. I have a Parks & Rec quote ready to go for most situations which is amazing because I don’t remember watching tv or movies once I’ve seen something. I love cooking and trying new recipes but won’t say no to takeout, especially if its Thai, Indian, or Mexican. I own a skincare company with my sister which is undergoing a major rebrand, a supplement company (linked in shop page) and my own herbal products company which will be launching soon (fingers crossed!). Also nothing makes me happier than seeing women be empowered! I’m a virgo, Enneagram 8, INTJ/INFJ, I have a bunch of astrocartography lines through Spain if anyone wants to tell me what that means, and HD generator for all you personality quiz nerds.


I’ve seen firsthand how the healthcare system often fails women. We’re sent off with a prescription for birth control and the most dreaded, ‘your labs are normal’ to mask and make light of our symptoms. In this model women often feel dismissed, unheard and like they need fixing. I know, I felt this too!

I chose to become my own doctor by going to medical school and really learning how the female body works and how to heal. Adding functional medicine, Ayurveda and nutrition on top of my medical knowledge was the ‘cherry on top’ for women’s wellness!

Health doesn’t stop at your body, it’s also your thoughts, how you feel about yourself, how you speak to yourself, your relationships, your confidence, your emotional connection, your vulnerability. It’s about believing deep down that you got this & and knowing that

you deserve to feel good!


Because proper credentials are important

Undergrad — Emory University — BS in Neuroscience & Behavioral Biology

Medical School — National University of Natural Medicine — Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine

Ayurveda — Ayurvedic Institue — Ayurvedic Practitioner

Functional Medicine — Institute of Functional Medicine — AFMCP & all advanced modules

Nutrition — Institute of Integrative Nutrition — Nutrition & Gut Health

Aviva Romm — Functional Medicine for Women — Women’s Functional Medicine Expert

Amruta Athale — Ayurveda Obstetrics & Gynecology



You're amazing at taking care of the needs of others, but struggle to prioritize and take care of yourself. You often feel busy, overwhelmed, short-fused and can’t seem to find the time for your own wellbeing or believe prioritizing your needs makes you “selfish." PS: you're not selfish. In fact, when you show up for yourself you'll be able to show up even better for others! 


You have your own business or work a corporate or professional job and you want to be able to better take care of yourself. You know that showing up fully for yourself means being more present for your company and/or clients... which generates more income. You're ready to work hard to have the health and lifestyle of your dreams!


You might already be dealing with a health condition or chronic illness like PCOS, Hashimoto's, endometriosis, period problems, leaky gut, etc. Doctors keep telling you that you're normal and fine, but you don't feel normal or fine. You feel like you're not where you want to be in your health but you're ready to address the root cause and make the appropriate nutrition and lifestyle changes!


You're under a lot of stress and have started experiencing GI issues and/or hormonal imbalances. Or you're so tired on a day to day basis you feel like you're running on air. You're tired of the conflicting information out there on how to manage stress and fatigue. You're ready for practical solutions that work with your life for boundless energy & stress management!