Begin your transformative healing journey with my signature program

Uncover the root cause of your health concerns through this exclusive program, which combines the power of functional lab testing with the ancient wisdom of Ayurvedic constitutional analysis. With 1:1 support, personalized protocols, community and education, you'll learn how to rebalance your body and achieve optimal health. Addressing your individual needs, this program nurtures your mind, body and soul, leading you towards lasting wellness.

Seeking wellness care as a woman can be traumatic and honestly straight up suck. Constantly being dismissed and unheard can lead you to live in discomfort for years, if not decades.

Tell me if this sounds like you:
  • You’ve been living with your symptoms so long, they’re part of your personality now

  • You’ve been recently diagnosed with gut or hormone issues but don’t know how to make the first step to heal

  • You’ve consulted Dr. Google and keep finding lots of conflicting advice

  • You know something’s not right with your health, and conventional practitioners have failed to listen and address your real concerns

  • You feel overwhelmed with conflicting information and are ready for definitive answers

  • You know something is off with your gut but you have no idea how to tackle it

  • You’ve decided it’s time to invest in your health in order to live your best life

  • You are someone that loves being guided through the healing process

You know when your body isn’t working right, and you deserve someone who will listen!

Together we can address the following imbalances by addressing the gut: 
Digestive issues
Metabolism or weight concerns
Hormonal imbalances, painful periods, PCOS
Autoimmune conditions and inflammation
Acne and other skin issues


... you deep dive into learning about your gut and how it affects every system in the body?

... you start normalizing your weight?

... you had more energy on a day to day basis to get everything done & spend time with loved ones?

... you start noticing clearer and vibrant skin?

... you felt like you weren't in a battle with your hormones all the time?

... you finally have a routine you love?

... you fell back in love with yourself?

... you had a safe space to share from your heart and have someone who cares there to listen without judgment?

... you learned to take your power back, look and feel your best, have more confidence, and live your best life?

Close your eyes, imagine what it feels like to have all this. Pretty amazing, right?



I created this program because I know how it feels when you know something is not right but everyone keeps saying, ‘you’re normal’ or even the much worse, ‘your labs are fine, you’re a picture of health.’ You intuitively know when your body isn’t working right, and you deserve someone who will listen and work with you to address your issues by getting down to the root of them.

I believe that the first step to feeling your best is to understand the root cause of your symptoms, the why behind everything happening, and that’s exactly what this program offers. I use functional lab testing and constitutional analysis to help you gain insight into what’s really going on with your body.

I’m passionate about functional medicine, Ayurvedic medicine and nutrition which means I prioritize safe, effective and noninvasive methods that are evidence based.

I know that every individual is unique, you’ll get personalized plans that are tailored to your exact needs. And don’t worry, I’ll be there to support and guide you every step of the way, so you can take control of your health and finally discover the root cause of your symptoms.


This program takes a food first approach. You can have the best protocol in the world with the best supplements but if you’re still eating like crap you won’t make it very far!

Functional medicine & Ayurveda are both rooted in nutrition and lifestyle changes for lasting wellness. Unlike the conventional medical system which utilizes ‘a pill for every ill’ perspective, functional medicine & Ayurveda first start at addressing modifiable factors like nutrition and lifestyle.

By nourishing ourselves with nutrient dense foods, we provide the essential building blocks for our optimal functioning, from cellular repair to hormonal balance. Combined with lifestyle changes like stress reduction and movement, we become superheroes of our own wellness!

Nutrition and lifestyle are also foundational pillars of health in Ayurveda. Once we find your constitution, or dosha, we can promote balance, prevent disease, and support overall well-being. Ayurveda also offers a wealth of wisdom on food combining, how to prepare food and how to use medicinal herbs.


In functional medicine we have the saying, ‘test, don’t guess!’ which means better outcomes, money saved and faster healing! This cutting-edge approach goes beyond traditional medical tests, providing you with a deeper understanding of your body's inner world. Functional lab testing is very effective at identifying gut imbalances, hormone imbalances, food sensitivities and nutritional deficiencies.

By analyzing biomarkers and functional imbalances, we can uncover the root causes of your health struggles. From here you’ll receive personalized protocols that address your unique needs!

This program includes the cost of the GI MAP ($450) making functional medicine even more accessible than ever. If you need more testing: DUTCH, OAT, full thyroid panel, HTMA, these are available as well.

The GI MAP is such a powerful test that tells us exactly what our microbiome status is. We can see if we have SIBO, H Pylori, dysbiosis, leaky gut, gluten intolerance, and so much more! The gut is intimately connected to everything else in the body like hormones, metabolism, immunity, and mental health to name a few. Utilizing this test we can see improvements in gut health struggles, better hormone health, weight loss, improved immune function, etc.

This is for you if:

You’re a hard worker and self motivated. You know you deserve better and you won’t stop until you achieve it

You’re ready to be patient and kind to yourself. This journey is long and requires you to make a commitment to yourself. Being gentle and showing yourself grace will take you far!

You don’t care anymore for bandaid fixes. You’re ready to get to the root cause.

You’re sick of all the noise on social media. You want to work with a practitioner who has been in your shoes who can show you what to do and what not to do.

You want functional testing, a constitutional analysis & a program customized to you.

This is not for you if:

Your moms friends aunt told you about a ‘quick fix’ she found on the internet and you’re ready to abandon what you’re doing. AKA you expect to healed overnight.

You’re not willing to do the work and you are not willing to take the responsibility of the role you play in your wellness.

You’re not willing to give up the foods and habits that made you sick in the first place.

You refuse to maintain consistency. While consistency isn’t sexy, its the most important thing!

You like to go in blind with your health and don’t like science backed protocols from testing.

So, what’s included?

  • 7 visits with me, Dr. Bhavna, over our 6 months together (strategy session, initial visit, plan review, 3 follow-ups, & client off boarding)

  • GI MAP ($450 value)

  • In depth evaluation of your current issues & your long term wellness goals

  • Individualized nutritional, lifestyle & supplement protocols for balance in body, mind & soul

  • 20% off all recommended supplement products

  • Have wins to share or questions? You get unlimited 1:1 messaging

  • Community of other women on the same journey as you

  • Education on the gut & how the body works

  • Peace of mind that you’re finally on the healing track!

The Gut Revive Process

  • When you book your complimentary 20 min call we'll briefly go over your symptom history & what your goals are. Once your intake paperwork and payment is complete your GI MAP will be ordered and in depth new client paperwork will be sent to you.

  • While we wait for your lab results to come in (it can take a month so get your GI MAP sent ASAP!) we work on establishing healthy habits which will set you up for success! Communication between visits will take place through the messaging portal.

  • Once your lab work is in we'll have our initial visit! During this visit we go over your health history, your lab work and work on finding the root cause of your issues. You will receive a copy of all labs and in depth PDF report.

  • Once your baseline is established, it's time to take action! You will receive your protocol and links to purchase supplements. We'll space out the follow up every 6-8 weeks. Opening drainage pathways is where we start, all while keeping up with the nutrition & lifestyle habits in step 2. Messaging between visits its available through the portal, I want to hear from you!

  • Most things are unhealthy these days & there is so much conflicting information out there. You'll get educational material vetted by a functional medicine doctor (me!) on what ingredients to avoid, alternatives for the things you already use, and how these toxins are affecting your gut & hormone health.

  • The path to success is not linear. By working together for 4 months, you begin to build confidence in yourself and your body to set you up for long term success. Give yourself a chance to succeed!

Investment: $3,600 for 6 months

Shocking Statistics


of adults in the US are obese


of primary care appointments in the US where nutrition & lifestyle modifications are discussed, in 2018 there were 883.7 million primary care visits

6 in 10

adults in the US have a chronic condition for which they take prescriptions for


of primary care appointments in the US where a medication is prescribed for conditions which have good lifestyle outcomes

1 in 3

adults in the US have prediabetes

$4.3 trillion

was spent in the US on health care in 2021

Rave Reviews

  • Dr. Bhavna has taken my health to the next level. I came to her with leaky gut, acne and dysbiosis and I finally feel clear headed and light in a way I haven't felt in years. In addition to my gut healing, I'm also able to lift harder than I've been able to making my fitness dreams a reality!


  • The support I received has been life changing. Dr. Bhavna is the only doctor I've had who thoroughly listens to my concerns and goals, teaches about the body, and creates supplement and lifestyle protocols that work with my life.


  • Dr. Bhavna really took the care to help me understand my health goals on a way deeper level than I even knew was possible. She provided me with honestly life-changing insights about myself that have already made such an improvement in my health.


  • I feel like a cloud has finally lifted over my head, & I can heal.


  • After having many cardiac issues and diabetes my blood sugar markers and insulin resistance are improving beyond belief. My PCP is very impressed with my progress and I owe it to Dr. Bhavna!
