You have questions, I have answers

Here are the most common questions I get about working with me!

  • Click on any of the buttons that say work with me and you’ll be taken to my Practice Better page, choose a time and date that works for you for our intro call!

  • I have found that this is the ideal length to see real changes. Remember that you didn't get to this point overnight, honor that it will take you time to normalize. My hope is that after our time together you're in a much better place and have the tools to serve you for lifelong health.

  • Nothing they are included! I include the GI MAP for all Gut Revive clients. This is about a $500 value. Retests and other recommended labs are not included. If you need mineral and hormone testing we can always extend our time together and add those on!

  • I will always advocate for a nutrition and food first approach, the reality is that in this day and age supplements are needed to help us get to where we want to go. Depending on what we are focusing on the average monthly supplement cost will be around $100, sometimes more and other times less. I ONLY recommend practitioner supplement brands which means they are more effective, with no fillers, and actually work. This means they cost more. If something is out of budget let me know and I will try to work something out for you. To make this program even better all Gut Revive clients get 20% off ALL supplements!

  • For many clients the Gut Revive journey is a complete life changing experience. How does relief from your long list of symptoms sound? While I cannot guarantee results, I’m a committed partner in your health and I do expect that you will show up for yourself and do the work! You get out of this program what you put into it, so if you give it your all you can expect to see the fruits of your labor!

  • No, I am not operating in a primary care role. I encourage you to develop a relationship with a trusted primary care doctor. If needed I am happy to talk to your doctor about your protocols!

  • No, while I promise to show up for you ready to take your health to the next level. I can't guarantee that you will do the same and thats where the magic is! I expect you to show up for yourself, put yourself first, and take responsibility for  your own healing. Due to the online nature of this program there will be no refunds issued.

  • Unfortunately practicing outside the conventional medical model means that insurance is not accepted. Think of your car insurance. Does it cover the maintenance services, oil changes, washes, etc? No, right? This is because we know that in addition to having protection in emergencies we also need to maintain and upkeep our cars. Likewise we need to maintain and upkeep our bodies so they function well for years to come!

  • Yes, if you are in need of a payment plan we can work something out as long as an initial deposit is paid. As a reminder, pay in full offers are always available and less overall!

  • Yes! The bottom section of this page you should see my freebie, ‘5 Steps to Start Your Healing Journey’ guide which also includes healthy nutritious recipes. Definitely check this out. My Instagram also has a bunch of free content along with my blog posts!