It’s time to feel comfortable & confident in your body

Root cause medicine for women

Trying to heal your body is no joke. So many women feel stuck, confused and sick of DIY-ing their health. I did.

Like me you’ve likely tried a variety of crash diets, cleanses, workouts and supplements to help balance your gut & hormones. When these don’t work you feel stuck, frustrated, and down on yourself and you’re desperately searching for the missing puzzle piece!

Dealing with digestion issues, acne, painful periods, excess weight you just can’t seem to shed can be incredibly frustrating. You know something’s ‘off’ with your health, but the healthcare system has failed to solve it — or worse, you’ve been told there’s ‘nothing’ wrong.

Unfortunately, our healthcare system often dismisses women’s health struggles. Trying to find someone who will actually listen to you and take your concerns seriously can feel demotivating, discouraging, and frankly, exhausting. 

But feeling uncomfortable in your own body is not something you should “just have to live with.

The truth is, being happy, healthy, and thriving in your body is your birthright. But over time, lifestyle factors like stress and poor nutrition can throw everything out of whack. Plus, there’s so much conflicting health information out there it’s hard to know what to listen to.

If you’re sick of practitioners who don’t listen and ready to take back control over your own mind, body, and soul, you’ve come to the right place.

My goal is to provide a warm, welcoming space where you feel heard, empowered, and ultimately, healed.

Hi, I’m Dr. Bhavna

I’m on a mission to empower women with the knowledge and tools to live healthier, happier, and more balanced lives through functional medicine and Ayurveda.

Having dealt with my own share of health issues starting in my pre-teen years, I’ve seen firsthand how our healthcare system fails women all too often. I also understand how isolating and discouraging it can be to feel like crap and be unable to find answers.

When conventional Western medicine couldn’t help me, I sought to heal myself by studying functional medicine and the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda. Through a combination of nutrition, meditation, supplements, and lifestyle changes, I cleared up my acne, fixed my gut issues, lowered my stress, and majorly improved my mental health. And after witnessing my own incredible transformation, I realized my true calling was to empower other women to live their best lives by rediscovering what it truly means to be well.

Feeling stuck & confused on your wellness journey?

These reasons might be why!

You’re symptom chasing

Symptoms are messages from the body to alert you that something is off. They're not the actual problem, but a result of the problem. In order to create long term health we need to find the why behind the symptom. Finding this means finding answers to common (not normal) symptoms like period problems, bloating & more.

You’re following all the advice

We all have our unique bio- individuality, so what works for one person may not work for another! True health starts with a personalized experience focusing on *your* individual needs.

You’re not digging deep

You can take all the supplements in the world, calorie count, do 'everything by the book' but if you have liver stagnation, slow metabolism, or wonky gut health you won't heal. To get results that scream 'omg who is she' you have to go deeper and find the root cause.

You’re confused & overwhelmed

Healing should be accessible! The wellness industry is full of conflicting information. This leads to analysis paralysis and prevents you from taking action. By working with me, a doctor, you know you're getting top notch care.

You’re too stressed

A stressed out body doesn't feel safe. A body that doesn't feel safe cant heal. When we get stuck in this overstressed vibe we hold on to fat, anxiety, and inflammation. On top of that trauma can also manifest as physical symptoms! Learning stress management and healing our inner wounds & inner child is a huge deal in true wellness.

Tired of not being taken seriously when you know something isn’t right with your health?


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